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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Unit 8 Reflection Assignment

Unit 8 Reflection Assignment

Q Introduction This assessment is the culmination of all you learned throughout this course. It will give you an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned, analyze the connection you have made, and prepare for the next steps in your college career. Instructions To complete this project, you will answer one (1) question from each section of the Reflect, Connect, and Prepare sections below. Your answers to these questions can be submitted in one of the following formats: • writing (1000-1500 words if written) • spoken via a video blog (7-9 minutes) • recorded podcast (7-9 minutes) • presented with PowerPoint/Prezi/Google Slides (10-15 slides) • through another medium that you and your instructor agree upon. (Must have instructor's approval) Your project will appear in your course portfolio, along with the other assessments you have completed in this course. Check with your instructor for other specific instructions. QUESTIONS Choose one (1) REFLECT question: 1. REFLECT: Review each of the assessments you have completed this semester. Which three (3) assignments in this class have been the most meaningful to you? Why? 2. REFLECT: Throughout the course we have practiced a variety of sound academic habits of mind that you can use in your academic career. Which three habits have been the most effective for you? Why? What is one habit you would like to learn more about or spend more time practicing? Choose one (1) CONNECT question: 1. CONNECT: Describe how you have engaged with the Park University community in this course. o Name three people you met as result of taking this course (only one can be a classmate) and how they have impacted your academic or personal journey. o Name one department/Park resource you interacted with as a result of taking this course. What was the outcome of those encounters? 2. CONNECT: Identify one personal goal and one academic or professional goal you would like to accomplish over the next year. Based on what we learned about goal setting this semester: • o Provide at least three next steps to accomplish those two goals. o Provide deadlines for each goal. o Provide a list of 2-3 people or departments that can assist you in meeting those goals along with their contact information and the date you will connect with them. Choose one (1) PREPARE question: 1. PREPARE: Imagine you have a friend or family member who is interested in attending college but is nervous because college is a new experience for them. (Perhaps they are currently in high school, or perhaps they have worked for many years and haven't been in school for a long time.) Based on what you've learned in this course, provide three (3) bits of advice for them as they start their academic journey. 2. PREPARE: Imagine we are 20 years down the road at an alumni banquet for Park University students. You are the lucky recipient of an alumni award for outstanding service to Park University. A current Park student will be reading aloud a brief statement about your character and contributions to Park over the past twenty years. Write out that statement for the student to read as they introduce you. Due Date • Sunday, 11:59pm, CT Rubric LE 100: First-Year Seminar LE 100: First-Year Seminar Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflect: Students will set and reflect on goals for personal and academic agency, advocacy, and discovery. 25 to >20.0 pts Meets Course Goals Student has set and reflected on goals for personal and academic agency, advocacy, and discovery. 20 to >0 pts Room For Improvement Student has not yet demonstrated that they have set or reflected on goals. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnect: Students will explore higher education culture, language, and values in order to become connected and civically engaged members of the Park University community. 25 to >20.0 pts Meets Course Goals Student explains elements of higher education culture, language, and values. 20 to >0 pts Room For Improvement Student has not yet explained elements of higher education culture, language, and values. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrepare: Students will define and use established academic habits of mind to develop critical and analytical thinking skills, recognize problems, and identify solutions. 25 to >20.0 pts Meets Course Goals Student explains elements of higher education culture, language, and values. 20 to >0 pts Room For Improvement Student has not yet explained elements of higher education culture, language, and values. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrepare & Connect: Students will identify effective practices of successful university students, including Park University support resources. 25 to >20.0 pts Meets Course Goals Student explains elements of higher education culture, language, and values. 20 to >0 pts Room For Improvement Student has not yet explained elements of higher education culture, language, and values. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLE Thinking 2: Access the needed information (Critical Thinking) Rubric Description: Accomplished (Capstone): Accesses information using effective, well- designed search strategies and most appropriate information sources. Competent (Second Milestone): Accesses information using variety of search strategies and some relevant information sources. Demonstrates ability to refine search. Developing (First Milestone): Accesses information using simple search strategies, retrieves information from limited and similar sources. Beginning (Benchmark): Accesses information randomly, retrieves information that lacks relevance and quality. Not Applicable: Not applicable to this assignment. threshold: 3.0 pts 4 pts Accomplished (Capstone) 3 pts Competent (Second Milestone) 2 pts Developing (First Milestone) 1 pts Beginning (Benchmark) 0 pts Not Applicable -- This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLE Problem 1: Identifying Problem Solving Strategies (Problem Solving) Rubric Description: Accomplished (Capstone): Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem that apply within a specific context. Competent (Second Milestone): Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem, only some of which apply within a specific context. Developing (First Milestone): Identifies only a single approach for solving the problem that does apply within a specific context. Beginning (Benchmark): Identifies one or more approaches for solving the problem that do not apply within a specific context. Not Applicable: Not applicable to this assignment. threshold: 3.0 pts 4 pts Accomplished (Capstone) 3 pts Competent (Second Milestone) 2 pts Developing (First Milestone) 1 pts Beginning (Benchmark) 0 pts Not Applicable -- This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLE Ethics 5: Integrity Rubric Description: Accomplished (Capstone): Reliably articulates his or her values and proposes constructive resolutions to conflicts even at considerable personal risk. Competent (Second Milestone): Can sometimes articulate his or her values or propose constructive resolutions to conflicts when risk is present. Developing (First Milestone): Expresses differences with or her values when risk is present without being able to clearly articulate those values and/or cannot proposal constructive resolutions to value conflicts. Beginning (Benchmark): Shows a tendency not to speak up for his or her values in situations where risk is present and/or cannot articulate those values in a positive manner. Not Applicable: Not applicable to this assignment. threshold: 3.0 pts 4 pts Accomplished (Capstone) 3 pts Competent (Second Milestone) 2 pts Developing (First Milestone) 1 pts Beginning (Benchmark) 0 pts Not Applicable -- This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLE Citizen 4: Civic Identity and Commitment Rubric Description: Accomplished (Capstone): Demonstrates experience in civic- engagement activities and describes what she/ he has learned about her or himself as it relates to a reinforced and clarified sense of civic identity and continued commitment to public action. Competent (Second Milestone): Provides evidence of experience in civic- engagement activities and describes what she/ he has learned about her or himself as it relates to a growing sense of civic identity and commitment. Developing (First Milestone): Evidence suggests involvement in civic- engagement activities is generated from expectations or course requirements rather than from a sense of civic identity. Beginning (Benchmark): Provides little evidence of her/his experience in civic-engagement activities and does not connect experiences to civic identity. Not Applicable: Not applicable to this assignment. threshold: 3.0 pts 4 pts Accomplished (Capstone) 3 pts Competent (Second Milestone) 2 pts Developing (First Milestone) 1 pts Beginning (Benchmark) 0 pts Not Applicable -- This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLE Integrative 6: Interdisciplinary Collaboration Rubric Description: Accomplished (Capstone): Helps the team move forward by articulating the merits of alternative ideas or proposals generated by the team from an interdisciplinary perspective. Competent (Second Milestone): Offers alternative solutions or courses of action from student’s discipline (or an interdisciplinary perspective) that build on the ideas of others. Developing (First Milestone): Offers new suggestions from the student’s discipline to advance the work of the group. Beginning (Benchmark): Shares ideas but does not advance the work of the group. Not Applicable: Not applicable to this assignment. threshold: 3.0 pts 4 pts Accomplished (Capstone) 3 pts Competent (Second Milestone) 2 pts Developing (First Milestone) 1 pts Beginning (Benchmark) 0 pts Not Applicable -- Total Points: 100 PreviousNext

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The 3 assessments that have been the most meaningful to me in this class was the Pomodoro Technique (Unit 3), The Believing and Doubting Game (Unit 3) and Active Listening. The Pomodoro Technique’s theory is any large task or series of tasks that can be broken down into short timed intervals called Pomodoro’s and each are separated by breaks. This has become a daily practice for when doing homework. First, I set my iPhone stopwatch to 25 minutes, then my focus is solely on my homework for those 25mins. I try not to check my phone until the timer goes off. Then I take my 5-minute break. This cycle repeats for 4 Pomodoro intervals. My break consists of bathroom breaks, stretching or walking around my office.